2024 Florida Coalition to End Homelessness Conference Youth Track                                               


This year, join a full track dedicated to the innovative work to address youth experiencing homelessness in Florida as a result of Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP). This will be an opportunity for your Local YAB to join a network of peers organizing to end youth homelessness and collaborate with system providers to enhance the work. If your CoC or organization does not have a YAB, this is an opportunity to learn how to develop a YAB and receive support to launch it. All Participating YAB members will be compensated for their participation in the statewide YAB.

Learn more about including youth with lived experience in your work, partnering with a variety of systems of care and ending homelessness quickly for this population. If you serve youth, this track is dedicated to you.  

This year, we will feature several ways to integrate youth with lived experience in your work:

  1. An introduction to the Youth Homeless System Improvement Grant (YHSI) and how you can expand your Youth Advisory Boards. 
  2. An introduction to the Statewide Youth Advisory Board and how youth will be compensated for their work.
  3. A special reception for youth involved in ending homelessness on October 16th after the conference workshops.
  4. Conference Scholarships for youth with lived experience.

Are you Youth (18-24yrs) with Lived Experience? Do you work with your COC on your Advisory Board? Are you interested in joining or Learning the Statewide Youth Advisory Board?  If you answered yes to any of the above and would like to attend the Youth Track of the 2024 Florida Coalition to End Homelessness you can register with the special link below for $450!

Scholarship Opportunity     

                         HSN                          CFF                                             

Thanks to our sponsors, Homeless Services Network of Central Florida and the Central Florida Foundation, we have scholarship opportunities to attend the FCEH conference. This scholarship is for Youth Leaders and Youth Action Board (YAB) members across the state of Florida.       

 The Scholarships will cover registration for 40 youth and lodging for 10 youth, 18-24 years old.

If you are granted the Lodging scholarship, you must be able to provide a valid form of identification during hotel registration

Applications are now closed.

Featured Opportunities for Youth Track Registrants:

  • Chill Room- The topics discussed at the conference can be heavy and overwhelming. We are happy to provide a “Chill Room” for Youth Track attendees to decompress during the conference. This will be located in the Lanai Room of the Hotel. 
  • Youth Outing- After the conference on Wednesday, October 16th,  join our special reception for Youth Advisory Board members from 6:15 pm -8:15 pm. You will see the option to join this outing during the registration process.